
Monday, August 31, 2020

Daniel Branzai: Baruc - Spovedania unui „fiu al ploii“

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

Foarte puțini bagă în seamă capitolul 45 din cartea profetului ieremia. Mi-am amintit de el într-un popas la Londra, pe drumul de la o deziluzionantă vizită în România înspre Los Angeles.
Vara lui 2018. Noi, emigranții avem experiențe comune. Am avut mari emoții să mă întâlnesc cu cei din Londra. Mă fripsesem în România și eram gata să suflu și în iaurt. N-ar fi trebuit. M-au primit mult mai frumos decât mă așteptam și cu mult mai bine decât meritam. Le mulțumesc și pe această cale.

Introducere în numerologie (2) - Trăim într o lume a numerelor

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

Cu Vasilică Moisescu în fascinanta realitate din spatele realității. Schela tuturor construcțiilor, terestre și cosmice, este alcătuită din ... numere.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Amir Tsarfati: God's Appointed Time 28 AUGUST 2020

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

God has decreed that certain events must take place but that they will not happen until their appointed time. Not only has God revealed to us through His Word major events that are yet to happen, but He has also revealed to us things that will surround these events. Is something delaying God or is everything right on schedule? How should the Christian be living knowing that God's appointed time is approaching? Follow Amir's message as he points to God's Word for the answers to these questions.

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Monday, August 24, 2020

Ephesus | The 7 Churches of Revelation

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

Ephesus | The 7 Churches of Revelation

Ephesus | The 7 Churches of Revelation

It’s been almost 2,000 years since the apostle John was instructed by Jesus to write letters to the seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation. These timeless letters reveal a message of God’s love through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus, identify and provide correction for problems in the church, and offer hope and encouragement for the future.

In this seven-part series, you’ll travel to what remains of the ancient sites of the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Join host and president of Cornerstone University Dr. Joseph Stowell as he takes a closer look into the struggles of the New Testament churches that are just as apparent in churches today.

"The Seven Churches of Revelation" is a perfect resource to help individuals or small groups gain a new perspective on the book of Revelation. Discover how you can find courage to face challenges with the confidence of knowing that in the end, Jesus wins!

Part 1: Introduction: The Conquering King
Part 2: Ephesus - The Church That Left Its First Love
Part 3: Smyrna - The Church About To Be Tested
Part 4: Pergamum - The Church That Compromised
Part 5: Sardis - The Dead Church
Part 6: Thyatira & Philadelphia - The Promiscuous Church And The Church Before An Open Door
Part 7: Laodicea - The Lukewarm Church


Emanuel Munteanu - Transformarea vieții

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

Emanuel Munteanu - Transformarea vieții

Sunday, August 23, 2020

The 7 Churches of Revelation

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

It’s been almost 2,000 years since the apostle John was instructed by Jesus to write letters to the seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation. These timeless letters reveal a message of God’s love through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus, identify and provide correction for problems in the church, and offer hope and encouragement for the future.

In this seven-part series, you’ll travel to what remains of the ancient sites of the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Join host and president of Cornerstone University Dr. Joseph Stowell as he takes a closer look into the struggles of the New Testament churches that are just as apparent in churches today.

"The Seven Churches of Revelation" is a perfect resource to help individuals or small groups gain a new perspective on the book of Revelation. Discover how you can find courage to face challenges with the confidence of knowing that in the end, Jesus wins!

Part 1: Introduction: The Conquering King
Part 2: Ephesus - The Church That Left Its First Love
Part 3: Smyrna - The Church About To Be Tested
Part 4: Pergamum - The Church That Compromised
Part 5: Sardis - The Dead Church
Part 6: Thyatira & Philadelphia - The Promiscuous Church And The Church Before An Open Door
Part 7: Laodicea - The Lukewarm Church

#revelation #endtimes #sevenchurches #7churches



Laodicea | The 7 Churches of Revelation

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

It’s been almost 2,000 years since the apostle John was instructed by Jesus to write letters to the seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation. These timeless letters reveal a message of God’s love through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus, identify and provide correction for problems in the church, and offer hope and encouragement for the future.

In this seven-part series, you’ll travel to what remains of the ancient sites of the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Join host and president of Cornerstone University Dr. Joseph Stowell as he takes a closer look into the struggles of the New Testament churches that are just as apparent in churches today.

"The Seven Churches of Revelation" is a perfect resource to help individuals or small groups gain a new perspective on the book of Revelation. Discover how you can find courage to face challenges with the confidence of knowing that in the end, Jesus wins!

Part 1: Introduction: The Conquering King
Part 2: Ephesus - The Church That Left Its First Love
Part 3: Smyrna - The Church About To Be Tested
Part 4: Pergamum - The Church That Compromised
Part 5: Sardis - The Dead Church
Part 6: Thyatira & Philadelphia - The Promiscuous Church And The Church Before An Open Door
Part 7: Laodicea - The Lukewarm Church

#revelation #endtimes #sevenchurches #7churches



Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Days of Ezekiel by Amir Tsarfati

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit.-Samuel Wilberforce

Antioch Bible Church

Preached on the evening of September 2nd, 2018.

For more info, please visit