
Friday, April 29, 2016

Procesul lui Isus

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

Trecea Isus prin săli de judecată,
Sobor, Pilat, Irod şi iar Pilat,
Într-un proces cum n-a mai fost vreodată,
Şi raţiunea ţipă consternată:
„Cum, Adevărul este acuzat?
Pe banca acuzaţilor stă Mila?
Stă Dragostea cu chip curat şi blând?
Se înroşeşte chiar şi clorofila
De indignare, când îşi pun ştampila
Pe condamnare, oamenii, pe rând.”
A apărut un licăr de dreptate
Când i s-a dat s-aleagă, la popor,
Între un Miel şi-un om cu mâini pătate,
Însă mulţimile înfierbântate
Ales-au…potrivit cu firea lor.
„La moarte!”ţipa aspru acuzarea
Cu glas de bici, tăios, încrâncenat,
Şi raţiunea-şi strigă consternarea:
„Dar unde-i, unde este apărarea?
Cum să condamni un om nevinovat?”
Însă procesul, apă-nvolburată,
Curge spre un deznodământ fatal
Şi raţiunea tace sufocată,
Căci toată-această falsă judecată
Trece dincolo de raţional.
Cine şi cum putea să înţeleagă
Că acuzatul, în tăcerea Lui,
Primea pedeapsa pentru lumea-ntregă,
Când fiecare îşi ducea-n desagă
Păcatul bici…
View original post 33 more words

Thursday, April 28, 2016

ISAIA 53,7

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce


GHETSEMANE-Claire Ryann- O fetiță de trei ani cântând superb

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

Saturday, April 23, 2016


Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

 OUR PASSOVER LAMB10552571_1564555450472203_1095884821233938201_n13076632_1188660301151933_5684932331029755454_n5695passover

 Passover is the time of year that the Jewish people remember their miraculous release from slavery in Egypt.  It was instituted by God and the details are very specific as recorded in the Book of Exodus. And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.” Exodus 12:1-2. This should get our attention. The first month on the Jewish calendar is Nissan and on the 10th day of Nissan a lamb was to be chosen. Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats” Exodus 12:5. The lamb was to be perfect and was to be cared for. On the fourteenth day of Nissan the chosen lamb was to be killed and his blood put on the side posts and the upper door post of each household where the lamb was to be eaten. That night the Lord would move through the land of Egypt and the firstborn of both man and beast would die. The blood of the lamb was the only protection for the household. Only obedience to God would allow the firstborn of a household to be protected. And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever.” Exodus 12:14. It all happened just as God said and the Israelites were freed from bondage. God wanted them to remember what He did for them. Passover is celebrated to this day but there is a much deeper meaning to Passover. It was fulfilled by Jesus.
The Passover story is familiar to us and it is prophetic. Like all of the Jewish feasts, Passover is about Jesus. This important feast celebrates the Israelites being set free from Egyptian bondage, but by allowing Himself to be sacrificed, Jesus set us free from the bondage of sin and death. When He rode into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey He fulfilled many prophecies, including one in Daniel which foretold the exact day He would be hailed as the Messiah. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.“Daniel 9:25. Calculations based upon this prophecy reveal that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the exact day foretold in Daniel. When He traveled to Jerusalem on that final journey He knew that the time was right and He would be hailed as the Messiah, but then He would be sacrificed…crucified. Years before this John the Baptist had recognized Him as the Lamb of God, and Jesus truly is our perfect LambThe next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” John 1:29. Jesus truly was the once for all sacrifice to take our sin away. There is no more monumental event in history than Jesus’ crucifixion, except for His resurrection.
Jesus rode on a donkey colt into Jerusalem and the people hailed Him as Messiah…the people had chosen Him. Unlike the Passover lamb that was treated gently from the time of selection until its quick sacrifice, Jesus would not be treated kindly. In those final few days He would have disputes with the Jewish leaders and ultimately be betrayed by one of the twelve men who followed Him. After His arrest He endured beatings, scourging, mocking, and pure brutality. They spit on Him, pushed a crown of thorns onto His head, and put a purple robe on Him to mock His claim to be King. Pilate stood Him before a crowd of angry people and asked them if he should set Jesus free or a robber named Barabbas. The crowd called for the release of Barabbas, but gave the frenzied cry“ Crucify Him!” when Pilate asked them what he should do with Jesus. Then, the Lamb of God was sent to the slaughter. And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst.” John 19:17-18. The Passover lamb was slaughtered quickly, but Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” was beaten unmercifully and then nails were pounded into His hands and His feet. He hung on the cross for hours, dying slowly. He looked down at His mother and gave the responsibility for her care to John and He watched as the Roman soldiers gambled for His garments. In spite of all that was done to Him, His love and forgiveness was not shattered. Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. Luke 23:34. His forgiveness is still available to us today.
Jesus had gone to Jerusalem knowing full well what He faced there, but He went willingly. At the last meal He shared with His disciples, He told Judas to go and do what he had to do…to go and betray Him. He kept silence during the illegal trial and the beatings. He carried His cross to His own crucifixion. Jesus, God the Son, had never been separated from God the Father because He was sinless and perfect, even in His human form. But as He hung on that cross He took our sins upon Himself and for the first time ever the perfect Lamb of God felt separation from God the Father because sin separates us from God. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is being interpreted, My god, my God, why has thou forsaken me?” Mark 15:34. The sin that you and I should be condemned for was fully paid for on the cross. Jesus’ blood was shed for each and every person who has ever lived and who ever will live. It’s up to each of us individually to accept or reject that gift of salvation. That gift is free for the asking, but cost Jesus dearly.944057_208770469472928_700770130468267408_n
Jesus fulfilled prophecy with precise timing, and after all things were accomplished, He chose the timing of His death. “After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst. Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth. When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost.”John 19:28-30.It was finished. The blood of the Lamb was shed for you and me. We can look back and see the fulfilled prophecies and know that only His blood can redeem us. Those who followed Him were not so sure. They had followed Him and believed He was the Messiah, but now He had died. They feared that they would be the next ones crucified because they had followed Him.1957996_458968030964218_935759081704337320_n
For many reasons the burial was swift and they were unable to tend to His body the way they should have. At the first hint of light on the first day of the week a handful of women went to care for the body. Their grief was heavy as they walked to the tomb. A large stone had been placed at the entrance and they weren’t sure how they would be able to move it, but on they went. When they reached the tomb they were met with an astonishing sight. The stone had been rolled away! And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted. And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.” Mark 16:5-6.Can you imagine their joy! Jesus was risen from the dead! He’s alive!!
     From Exodus to Daniel to the Resurrection, the date is clear. God has gone to great lengths to establish when the Passover is to be celebrated and therefore when Christ was hailed as the Messiah, offered as the perfect sacrifice, and resurrected. In spite of that most Christians choose to celebrate Christ’s victory over the grave on a different day called Easter. That day is not related to the Jewish Passover. It occurs on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring equinox. That day is based upon a pagan celebration and the traditions surrounding it have nothing to do with Christianity. Is it wrong to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection on this pagan holiday? Each person needs to decide individually. “Let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.” Colossians 2:16-17. We belong to Christ and therefore we have freedom. Jesus fulfilled the Law and we need to be careful that we don’t return to the Law because that is not where salvation is found, but the date of His final entry in to Jerusalem, the day of the crucifixion, and the day of the Resurrection all seem important to God. We need to pay attention. Salvation is through Christ, but we need to honor Him in all our ways. Does coloring eggs and eating chocolate bunnies make you a pagan? No, but you need to be sure that you are identifying with Christ. We know that His sacrifice was during the Passover celebration which foreshadowed Him. It seems important to God that we know when Christ’s victory over death occurred. This year, 2016, Passover begins at sundown on April 22. Take time to read through Exodus chapter 12 and then read the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ final week and also read through the Resurrection. Christ took our sins upon Himself and won the victory over death. Never forget that or take it lightly.
The blood on the door posts of the Jewish households so long ago protected them from death on that night of the first Passover. The blood of “…the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” applied to your heart is the only means by which you can be protected from eternal death. Celebrate our true Passover Lamb.
God bless you all,
Nathele Graham
Ron Graham’s previous commentaries archived at

All original scripture is “theopneustos” God breathed

Friday, April 22, 2016


Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce


Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce


Iubirea Lui creeaza iubirea noastra


    Oceanul iubirii lui Dumnezeu, atat de vast incat nici macar pe aripile imaginatiei noastre nu il putem traversa, isi trimite comorile ploilor de har care cad asupra inimilor noastre, care sunt asemenea pasunilor din pustie. Ele fac inimile noastre sa fie inundate si, in rauri de recunostinta,  viata primita se indreapta inapoi spre Dumnezeu. Toate lucrurile bune sunt de la Tine, Dumnezeule Mare, bunatatea Ta creeaza binele nostru; iubirea Ta infinita fata de noi da nastere iubirii noastre fata de Tine.

    Iubirea fata de Dumnezeu trebuie sa fie in inima, altfel nu exista niciun fel de har. Cine nu Il iubeste pe Dumnezeu nu este nascut din nou.

    Nu ai primit invatatura de la Dumnezeu daca nu Il iubesti pe Dumnezeu.

    Iubirea fata de Dumnzeu este radacina iubirii fata de ceilalti. Nu este crestin acela care nu ii iubeste pe crestini.

                                        C. H. SpurgeonFour-Seasons-Maui13001246_10156820800690574_1285733037394419605_n

Sunday, April 17, 2016

NALUCA SAU REALITATE- Gheorghe Cornilescu 16 aprilie 1967

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

995332_475532899303893_1195983569458036214_n Naluca - sau Realitate

                                                         Gheorghe Cornilescu

 16 aprilie 1967

                           {G. Cornilescu a murit pe data de 7 august 1967}

    Multe mangaieri si multe binecuvantari pe care ni le pune inainte Scriptura le pierdem deseori din cauza unei intelegeri gresite.

    Ce mangaiere ar fi putut avea ucenicii pe marea infuriata, daca ar fi inteles ca Domnul Isus este de fata si Se arata ca Domn al marii tot asa cum S-a aratat ca Domn al pamantului! Totusi, fiindca ei nu L-au cunoscut clar, le-a lipsit aceasta mangaiere.

    Ceea ce este mai trist insa este ca neclaritatea face din cea mai mare mangaiere, un izvor de teama. Domnul Isus a venit la ei si in venirea Lui pentru ucenici a rasarit soarele bucuriei lor, dar ei n-au inteles ca e Domnul Isus; de aceea ei au socotit ca este o naluca. Ei s-au nelinistit si au tipat de teama. S-au temut de Acela care era Prietenul lor cel mai bun, ca de un dusman. Ca Domnul Isus mergea pe valuri ar fi trebuit sa le inlature orice teama, dar, in loc de asta, L-au socotit ca o naluca aparand in furtuna, care le prevesteste o nenorocire si mai mare.

    De cata insemnatate este doctoria cereasca pentru ochi, ca sa vada bine! De cata insemnatate este credinta, care ne aduce pe Domnul Isus asa de aproape si ne face sa-L vedem asa cum este! Ce placut este sa umbli in apropierea Lui si sa-L recunosti cu o incredere deplina! Faptul acesta ne-ar da mangaierea pe care momentan n-o pricepem si ne-ar scoate din incurcatura care a pus stapanire pe noi fara temei.

    Ca sa intelegem mai bine aceste ganduri, voi arata intai ca este o mare greseala sa privim pe Domnul Hristos ca o naluca; in al doilea, ca suntem inclinati sa facem acest lucru tocmai cand Domnul Hristos ni Se arata in chip deosebit; in al treilea, ca din aceasta cauza vin cele mai mari griji peste noi; si in al patrulea rand, ca, daca am putea sa fim vindecati de acest rau, Domnul Hristos ar fi mai pretuit si multe alte binecuvantari ar iesi de aici.

    Sunt unii oameni care fac din Domnul Hristos o naluca. Socotesc ca astfel de oameni vad ceva in Domnul Isus, dar nu-L vad ca Mantuitorul lor, ceea ce nu este decat o inselare. Au visat; s-au aprins intr-un mare grad de greseala lor; s-au incredintat pe ei insisi de o mangaiere falsa si fac din simtamantul lor agitat sau din inchipuirea lor un Hristos. Nu sunt mantuiti, dar ei cred ca sunt. Ei nu-L cunosc pe Domnul Hristos; n-au Duhul Lui, nu sunt oile Lui. Nu sunt ucenicii Lui, totusi si-au pus inaintea ochilor lor duhovnicesti ceva pe care-l socotesc Hristos si ideea lor despre Hristos, care nu este decat o parere, o iau drept Hristos. Este o greseala groaznica! Sa ne scape Dumnezeu de o astfel de greseala si prin Duhul Lui sa ne invete sa recunoastem pe Domnul Hristos si in fapt si in adevar ca viata vesnica.

    Este o mare greseala sa privim pe Domnul Hristos ca o naluca in legatura cu pacatul si curatirea de pacate. Pacatul nostru, cand am fost incredintati de el, ne-a aparut ca o realitate. Si asa si este in adevar. Abaterile noastre fata de Dumnezeu nu-s lucruri inchipuite. L-am intaratat la manie in fiecare zi si El S-a maniat pe noi in fiecare zi. Murdaria pacatului nu este numai la suprafata, ci lepra este adanc inradacinata in fiinta noastra. Pacatul este un rau ingrozitor si, cand duhul nostru ajunge sa vada realitatea si grozavia lui, ne face sa recunoastem pacatul ca o grea datorie, asa incat s-o simtim; dar este si o mare binecuvantare cand sangele Domnului Isus care spala orice pacat e tot asa de viu. Cand spunem: "in El avem rascumpararea, prin sangele Lui iertarea pacatelor, dupa bogatiile harului Sau" aceasta nu este o naluca sau o parere, ci o realitate despre care avem o siguranta deplina. Cand ni se spune de alta parte ca "toti prorocii marturisesc despre El ca oricine crede in El capata prin Numele Lui iertarea pacatelor", nici aceasta nu este o naluca, ci o realitate.

    Totasa este o mare greseala sa privim pe Domnul Hristos ca o naluca atunci cand este vorba de primirea noastra inaintea lui Dumnezeu, dupa ce am capatat iertarea pacatelor. Este adevarat ca indatoririle noastre ca oameni credinciosi au multe lipsuri si ne produc mari dureri sufletesti. Si dupa orice predica pe care am tinut-o, dupa orice rugaciune pe care am inaltat-o, dupa orice slujba pe care am facut-o pentru Domnul Isus, dupa ce am facut tot ceea ce trebuia facut, cat de adevarat este ca suntem "robi netrebnici"!

    Greselile si nedesavarsirile slujbei noastre ne stau mereu in fata si nu este zi in care sa nu fim nevoiti sa spunem ca am ramas cu mult inapoia a ceea ce trebuie sa fie un credincios. Uneori ne intrebam chiar daca mai suntem credinciosi si cu drept cuvant ne temem. Si sunt credinciosi care privesc cu multa durere aceasta stare de lucruri. Ei privesc mult la ei insisi si nu gasesc in ei nimic bun, iar aratarile acestei stari in afara le pricinuiesc o neliniste continua. Este asa de mult bine in acest fel de gandire, incat nimeni nu-I poate osandi, dar in acelasi timp trebuie sa se pastreze echilibrul sfant al sufletului.

    Sunt mari si reale lipsurile noastre? Dar tot asa de reala este si neprihanirea Domnului Isus in care stau toti credinciosii inaintea lui Dumnezeu. Sunt nedesavarsite rugaciunile noastre? O, dar asa de desavarsite sunt mijlocirile Domnului Hristos pentru noi! Suntem plini de pacate cand ne uitam la noi insine si vrednici de lepadat? Sa nu uitam insa ca in Domnul Isus nu este niciun pacat, iar meritele Lui au o greutate vesnica inaintea Tatalui Sau preamarit. Inlocuitorul si chezasul noastru sta pentru noi inaintea tronului harului. In noi insine suntem nevrednici, dar suntem facuti placuti in Preaiubitul nostru. "Sunt negru - spune cel credincios - dar iubit pe deplin." Domnul Hristos a trecut asupra noastra toata frumusetea Lui si ne-a facut sa fim iubiti in iubirea Lui.

    Inaintea lui Dumneeu suntem vazuti in El fara pata sau zbarcitura. Fiindca Dumnezeu ne vede in El, nu gaseste nicio nelegiuire in noi. El a fost facut pentru noi inaintea lui Dumnezeu neprihanire, intelepciune si sfintire. Tot ce avem nevoie gasim in Domnul Isus si noi stam inaintea lui Dumnezeu imbracati in neprihanirea Lui. Sa nu facem cumva din neprihanirea Domnului Isus, care este temeiul primirii noastre inaintea lui Dumnezeu, o simpla parere, o naluca; sa nu tipam ca si cum ne-am gandi ca lucrarea Lui e ceva care poate fi o mangaiere pentru altii, dar pe noi nu ne poate mangaia. Lucrarea Domnului Isus este cea mai reala dintre toate realitatile.

    Suntem inclinati sa vedem in Domnul Isus o naluca atunci cand este vorba de sfintirea noastra. Din clipa in care, prin credinta in jertfa Domnului Hristos, am trecut din moarte la viata si incepem sa mergem ca oameni credinciosi, deodata se ridica impotriva noastra prapastia fara fund a firii noastre stricate. Ne produce durere mare in viata noastra. Sa nu cumva sa ne temem, sa socotim pe Domnul Isus, in mijlocul furtunilor trezite de firea noastra pamanteasca, ca o naluca, ci sa-L socotim ca o realitate. Caci, daca atunci cand Ii eram vrajmasi, El Si-a aratat dragostea fata de noi, cu atat mai mult acum, dupa ce am fost mantuiti prin jertfa Lui, El ne va da o viata sfanta, ne va face biruitori. El a lasat un mijloc de scapare si de firea pamanteasca. TOATA PREDICA  :Naluca

Transcrisa si trimisa pe e-mail de fr Horia Azimioara




Thursday, April 14, 2016


Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

12961475_1212701902076004_1399088672895187467_ndop_bannerBecoming the Gospel


“Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” (Philippians 1:27)

The Greek word translated “conversation” emphasizes “citizenship,” with all of its attendant loyalties and expectations for appropriate behavior. The structure of the introductory word “only” indicates that it is an adjective, not an adverb. Thus, the opening phrase could be rendered, “Your only citizenship must be lived out so that it becomes the gospel.”

The New Testament employs three different Greek terms that are translated “conversation.”Anastrepho is best understood as “dwelling” or “remaining” in a certain place: “Put off concerning the former conversation,” we are commanded in Ephesians 4:22.Tropos stresses the manner of life, perhaps implying the reputation one gains by the lifestyle: “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example” (Jude 1:7). Politeuo, the term used by Paul in our text, conveys citizenship: “For our conversation is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20,politeuma). The emphasis of our text is on our lifestyle and testimony as “ambassadors” in a foreign land (2 Corinthians 5:20). As such, we are to live in a manner that “becometh” the gospel—“that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called” (Ephesians 4:1).

We are to stand fast in a unity of one spirit with one mind. Paul closed his letter to the Philippians with this: “Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved” (Philippians 4:1). HMM III