
Thursday, October 31, 2013


Photo credit
Published on Apr 2, 2013

Martin Luther is a 1953 film
biography about the life and times of the greatest figure of the
Protestant Reformation – Martin Luther, a 16th century German monk,
priest, and theology professor’s efforts to reform the Catholic church,
his excommunication, and the developments that started the Protestant
Luther’s observations and studies led him to be
critical of the materialism of the Roman Catholic church; with its use
of indulgences, relics and other wayward teachings and practices that
are unsupported by the Bible (scripture) forced him to write and nail
his 95 theses on the door of the Wittenberg church that was pivotal in
leading a ‘spiritual revolution’ shaking the principalities of the Holy
Roman Empire and the entirety of Medieval Europe that changed history
Martin Luther is directed by Irving Pichel and stars
Niall MacGinnis as Martin Luther
John Ruddock as Vicar Johann von Staupitz
Pierre Lefevre as George Spalatin
Guy Verney as Philipp Melanchthon
Allastair Hunter as Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt
David Horne as Elector Duke Frederick the Wise
Fred Johnson as Prior of Erfurt monastery
Philip Leaver as Pope Leo X
Heinz Piper as Dr. John Eck
Leonard White as brother and emissary of Archbishop Albrecht of Mainz
Egon Strohm as Cardinal Aleander
Annette Carrell as Katharina von Bora
Alexander Gauge as Fr. John Tetzel
Irving Pichel as Chancellor Brueck
Hans Lefebre as Emperor Charles V
John Wiggin as Narrator
The music is composed by Mark Lothar and performed by the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra.
Luther Bible, 1534
Luther Bible, 1534 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgent...
Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum, 95 theses (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


It’s no accident that October 31 is both Halloween and the
day remembered for the start of the Reformation. Both key off November
1, All Saints’ Day — or All Hallows’ Day (Hallows from the Latin for
saints or holy ones).

On All Hallows’ Eve, October 31, 1517, the Roman Church received the
world’s most memorable trick-or-treater at its door — though barely
noticed at the time — when a lowly priest named Martin Luther approached
the threshold of the Wittenberg branch in Germany and posted his 95
measly theses (they aren’t nearly as impressive as you would expect).
The coming All Saints’ Day seemed like an excuse for sparring about the
Church’s deplorable sanctioning of indulgences, and Luther was angling
for some good-spirited debate.

The Spark That Set the Church Ablaze

But the Church was centuries overdue for major reform, the kindling
was in place, and Luther’s little, almost accidental spark set the whole
thing ablaze. Some nameless visionary translated his theses from the
Church’s Latin into the people’s German and sent them far and wide
through the printing press. In time, this lowly monk proved to have what
it took to hold his ground against the Church and the world — “Here I
stand,” he said courageously before the emperor — and under God, he
became the human tip of the spear for massive reform.

Of course, that’s the reductionistic version of the story. Save his
own Son, God doesn’t change the world through a single person, but
through people. With and behind every remembered individual is some
great collective. Luther had a significant supporting cast in his
Wittenberg work, and on the grander scale, it took many others — like
Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, Martin Bucer, Thomas Cranmer, John Knox,
and many more, all with their associates and assistants — to usher in
reform far and wide. God gave Luther the bullhead to do the pioneering.
He was the battering ram. But five centuries of Protestant Christianity
wouldn’t have followed in the wake of Luther alone.

Enter the French Humanist

In particular, Calvin’s thinking, writing, and systematizing played a
complementary role to Luther’s pioneering flair. Born in 1509 in
France, Calvin was only eight years old when Luther played his Halloween
trick in 1517.

Calvin was trained as a humanist and converted sometime between 1528
and 1532, while at university, and by All Saints’ Day, 1533, he had
himself in hot water. Sixteen years after Luther posted his theses,
Calvin’s friend Nicolas Cop delivered an All Saints’ convocation
heralding Christ as the sole mediator (not the “saints”). Some suspected
this patently Protestant address was written by Calvin, and he soon
found himself on the run.

As an exile, Calvin spent time in Basel, and seemingly by accident
came to Geneva for a single night in 1536 on his way to Strasbourg for
an ivory-tower, academic life of study and writing. The fiery Swiss
reformer William Farel learned Calvin was in town and prevailed upon him
to join the reformation cause in Geneva. Calvin acquiesced, and stayed
there in Geneva — minus a three-year exile from 1538–1541 — until his
death in 1564 at age 54.

The “Accidents” of Providence

Reformation Day is ripe for remembering an array of biblical truths — that the Scriptures are our only final authority (sola Scriptura);
that God accepts us by grace alone, through faith alone, on the basis
of Christ alone (justification); that God often uses the unlikeliest of
people to turn the world upside down; that God doesn’t just raise up
great individuals, but collections of people, veritable teams, each with
his lot, and his own local cohort, to bring about widespread change;
and all these conspiring to the glory of God alone (soli Deo gloria).

But here’s one to keep on your radar this year. God loves to use the
seeming accidents in our lives to bring about his purposes. It’s the
“accidents” that remind us we’re emphatically not the captain of our own
soul, we’re not piloting our own destinies, we’re not on the block for
planning the whole thing out and executing on it. How sad a course it
would be if we cooked up the whole thing out as we came of age and spent
the rest of our lives living out our boring and uncreative little

That such a Reformation began almost 500 years ago, and continues to
this day — this is your story too — is not the result of any human plan.
It has been the “accidents” which have given it the markings of divine
fingerprints — Luther’s accidental spark that first lit the flame and
Calvin’s accidental lone night in Geneva that changed the course for
that city and for a major branch of Protestant theology.

Reformation Day is a reminder to embrace the “accidents” in our
lives, look for the hand of providence, and trust that his plans for us
are better than our wildest dreams. For those who are his, he truly
works together for their good all things — even and especially the
seeming accidental — to do for us far more abundantly than all that we
ask or think (Romans 8:28; Ephesians 3:20).

October 31, 2013

More for Reformation Day from Desiring God:



Christianity and the Dark Side—What about Halloween?

Wednesday • October 30, 2013

Over a hundred years ago, the great Dutch theologian Herman Bavinck predicted that the 20th century would “witness a gigantic conflict of spirits.” His prediction turned out to be an understatement, and this great conflict continues into the 21st century.
The issue of Halloween presses itself annually upon the Christian conscience. Acutely aware of dangers new and old, many Christian parents choose to withdraw their children from the holiday altogether. Others choose to follow a strategic battle plan for engagement with the holiday. Still others have gone further, seeking to convert Halloween into an evangelistic opportunity. Is Halloween really that significant?
Well, Halloween is a big deal in the marketplace. Halloween is surpassed only by Christmas in terms of economic activity. Reporting in 2007, David J. Skal estimated: “Precise figures are difficult to determine, but the annual economic impact of Halloween is now somewhere between 4 billion and 6 billion dollars depending on the number and kinds of industries one includes in the calculations.” As of 2012, that total exceeded $8 billion.
Furthermore, historian Nicholas Rogers claims:
Halloween is currently the second most important party night in North America. In terms of its retail potential, it is second only to Christmas. This commercialism fortifies its significance as a time of public license, a custom-designed opportunity to have a blast. Regardless of its spiritual complications, Halloween is big business.
Rogers and Skal have each produced books dealing with the origin and significance of Halloween. Nicholas Rogers is author of Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party Night. Professor of History at York University in Canada, Rogers has written a celebration of Halloween as a transgressive holiday that allows the bizarre and elements from the dark side to enter the mainstream. Skal, a specialist on the culture of Hollywood, has written Death Makes a Holiday: A Cultural History of Halloween. Skal’s approach is more dispassionate and focused on entertainment, looking at the cultural impact of Halloween in the rise of horror movies and the nation’s fascination with violence.
The pagan roots of Halloween are well documented. The holiday is rooted in the Celtic festival of Samhain, which came at summer’s end. As Rogers explains, “Paired with the feast of Beltane, which celebrated the life-generating powers of the sun, Samhain beckoned to winter and the dark nights ahead.” Scholars dispute whether Samhain was celebrated as a festival of the dead, but the pagan roots of the festival are indisputable. Questions of human and animal sacrifices and various occultic sexual practices continue as issues of debate, but the reality of the celebration as an occultic festival focused on the changing of seasons undoubtedly involved practices pointing to winter as a season of death.
As Rogers comments: “In fact, the pagan origins of Halloween generally flow not from this sacrificial evidence, but from a different set of symbolic practices. These revolve around the notion of Samhain as a festival of the dead and as a time of supernatural intensity heralding the onset of winter.
How should Christians respond to this pagan background? Harold L. Myra of Christianity Today argues that these pagan roots were well known to Christians of the past:
More than a thousand years ago Christians confronted pagan rites appeasing the lord of death and evil spirits. Halloween’s unsavory beginnings preceded Christ’s birth when the druids, in what is now Britain and France, observed the end of summer with sacrifices to the gods. It was the beginning of the Celtic year and they believed Samhain, the lord of death, sent evil spirits abroad to attack humans, who could escape only by assuming disguises and looking like evil spirits themselves.
Thus, the custom of wearing costumes, especially costumes imitating evil spirits, is rooted in the Celtic pagan culture. As Myra summarizes, “Most of our Halloween practices can be traced back to the old pagan rites and superstitions.”
The complications of Halloween go far beyond its pagan roots, however. In modern culture, Halloween has become not only a commercial holiday, but a season of cultural fascination with evil and the demonic. Even as the society has pressed the limits on issues such as sexuality, the culture’s confrontation with the “dark side” has also pushed far beyond boundaries honored in the past.
As David J. Skal makes clear, the modern concept of Halloween is inseparable from the portrayal of the holiday presented by Hollywood. As Skal comments, “The Halloween machine turns the world upside down. One’s identity can be discarded with impunity. Men dress as women, and vice versa. Authority can be mocked and circumvented, and, most important, graves open and the departed return.”
This is the kind of material that keeps Hollywood in business. “Few holidays have a cinematic potential that equals Halloween’s,” comments Skal. “Visually, the subject is unparalleled, if only considered in terms of costume design and art direction. Dramatically, Halloween’s ancient roots evoke dark and melodramatic themes, ripe for transformation into film’s language of shadow and light.”
But television’s “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” (which debuted in 1966) has given way to Hollywood’s “Halloween” series and the rise of violent “slasher” films. Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff have been replaced by Michael Myers and Freddy Kruger.
This fascination with the occult comes as America has been sliding into post-Christian secularism. While the courts remove all theistic references from America’s public square, the void is being filled with a pervasive fascination with evil, paganism, and new forms of occultism.
In addition to all this, Halloween has become downright dangerous in many neighborhoods. Scares about razor blades hidden in apples and poisoned candy have spread across the nation in recurring cycles. For most parents, the greater fear is the encounter with occultic symbols and the society’s fascination with moral darkness.
For this reason, many families withdraw from the holiday completely. Their children do not go trick-or-treating, they wear no costumes, and they attend no parties related to the holiday. Some churches have organized alternative festivals, capitalizing on the holiday opportunity, but turning the event away from pagan roots and the fascination with evil spirits. For others, the holiday presents no special challenges at all.
These Christians argue that the pagan roots of Halloween are no more significant than the pagan origins of Christmas and other church festivals. Without doubt, the church has progressively Christianized the calendar, seizing secular and pagan holidays as opportunities for Christian witness and celebration. Anderson M. Rearick, III argues that Christians should not surrender the holiday. As he relates, “I am reluctant to give up what was one of the highlights of my childhood calendar to the Great Imposter and Chief of Liars for no reason except that some of his servants claim it as his.”
Nevertheless, the issue is a bit more complicated than that. While affirming that make-believe and imagination are part and parcel of God’s gift of imagination, Christians should still be very concerned about the focus of that imagination and creativity. Arguing against Halloween is not equivalent to arguing against Christmas. The old church festival of “All Hallow’s Eve” is by no means as universally understood among Christians as the celebration of the incarnation at Christmas.
Christian parents should make careful decisions based on a biblically-informed Christian conscience. Some Halloween practices are clearly out of bounds. Others may be strategically transformed, but this takes hard work and may meet with mixed success.
The coming of Halloween is a good time for Christians to remember that evil spirits are real and that the Devil will seize every opportunity to trumpet his own celebrity. Perhaps the best response to the Devil at Halloween is that offered by Martin Luther, the great Reformer: “The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him for he cannot bear scorn.”
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther began the Reformation with a declaration that the church must be recalled to the authority of God’s Word and the purity of biblical doctrine. With this in mind, the best Christian response to Halloween might be to scorn the Devil and then pray for the Reformation of Christ’s church on earth. Let’s put the dark side on the defensive.





    CRESTINII NOSTRI  mai putin dusi la Biserica serbeaza pe 31 octombrie  Halloween-ul (acesta fiind al doilea import in materie de sarbatori, dupa celebrul de pe acum Valentine’s Day). Multi considera ca sarbatoarea Haloween-ului (All Hallow’s Eve) este doar seara (ajunul) de dinaintea Zilei tuturor sfintilor (All Saint’s Day), praznicul romano-catolic din 1 noiembrie. Americanii isi amintesc acum de mortii lor, celebreaza victoria lui Hristos asupra mortii si puterilor intunericului, rad de… rau si de moarte. Se considera, deci, ca este sarbatoare crestina chiar daca e importata, dupa toate probabilitatile, din paganismul celt (druid). Greu insa de convins un om rational ca aceasta sarbatoare ar avea duh crestinesc…
 Adevarul e insa altul. Ea e o sarbatoare 100% pagana, oculta, “ziua cand mortii, fantasmele parasesc mormintele…”. Ea e cea mai mare sarbatoare a slujitorilor satanei: vrajitori, spiritisti sau satanisti. Americanii au dezvoltat o adevarata industrie legata de aceasta sarbatoare. Se achizitioneaza cu aceasta ocazie accesorii macabre: masti, costume de vampiri, diavoli, dragoni, zombi, leprosi, schelete si nelipsitii dovleci, ajungandu-se pana la vanzari de o jumatate de miliard de dolari anual. Vanzarile filmelor horror cresc in aceasta perioada, promotorii filmelor de groaza speculand si ei interesul mare pentru acest praznic. Industria filmelor horror exploateaza la maxim setea de senzatii tari, dovedind nepasare fata de psihicul omului, caruia nu-i ofera nimic altceva decat angoase.
 America face cu ocazia Halloween-ului pregatiri mai mari decat de Craciun sau Paste. Copii se costumeaza in stil horror, se amuza prin sperieturi si merg (colinda) din casa in casa pentru a primi prajituri. Tinerii, mai curajosi, merg in cimitire in miez de noapte si se distreaza facand spiritism. S-a constatat ca in noaptea Halloween-ului se savarsesc foarte multe crime in Statele Unite.
 De altfel, in cunoscutul documentar TV Invazia pagana se spunea ca la intrebarea “Cum ati vrea sa serbati Halloween-ul?”, 80% din elevii americani de clasa a IV-a de la o scoala au raspuns zambind : “As vrea sa omor pe cineva…” Acesta este impactul sarbatorii !

 Biserica, adica noi, madularele ei vii, nu trebuie sa luam parte la aceasta sarbatoare oribila si demonica.

Demonica (Photo credit: rustman)

Un raspuns la postare

Multumesc foarte mult, aveti multa dreptate, cred ca multi americani nu isi dau seama de faptul ca se joaca cu niste spirite si duhuri necurate, Deavolul este real si puterea lui este  la fel de reala si nu ar trebui luate in bataie de joc si nici in gluma. La noi in Africa oameni se ingrozesc si sunt infricosati numai sa se vorbeasca de Satanism si vrajitori ,,,,se stie destul de bine puterea lui satan.

  Multumesc frumos!
Domnul sa va binecuvinteze pe deplin!
Cu multa dragoste!
Maria Halip

ATENTIE - Sarbatoarea de Halloween este o Sarbatoare Demonica; Satanica. Invazia demonica. Partea 1 / 4

Invazia Pagana, Episodul 1:
Halloween - Capcana sau Amuzament ?

Partile documentarului:

Partea 1:

Partea 2:

Partea 3:

Partea 4:



Halloween is for Devil Worshippers

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”
II Cor 6:14-18

Is Halloween Devil Worship?

Hallowe’en. The eve of All Hallows’ or All Saints’ Day celebrated the last night of October. In the Old Celtic calendar the year began on November 1, so that the last evening of October was the night of all the witches, which the Church transformed into the Eve of All Saints.
Source: The Oxford English Dictionary.
1. The Druids invented the earliest Halloween celebrations. They were an order of Celtic sorcerers. The Bible condemns all sorcery and sorcerers (Rev 21:8; 22:15).
2. November 1, the first day of the Celtic year, was a feast day to Samhain, lord of the dead, by the Druids. But the Christian God is the God of the living (Mark 12:27)!
3. The jack-o-lantern, large fires, and apple bobbing also come from superstitious paganism, as most any encyclopedia will prove; but God condemns the use of religious practices from unbelievers (Deut 12:29-32; Jer 10:1-2).
4. The only cultures and societies that masquerade religiously as evil characters around fires at night are patently pagan, God-rejecting, devil-worshipping nations, which Christians are to entirely reject (Lev 18:24,28; Deut 4:6; 9:5; 12:29-32; 18:9,14).
5. When God wrote the laws for Israel, all witches and any related persons were to be put to death, for He strongly hates anyone seeking to devils and witchcraft rather than to Himself (Ex 22:18; Lev 19:26,31; 20:6,27; Deut 18:9-12; I Chron 10:13-14).
6. God specifically commanded not to learn the dark customs of the nations around Israel, including all forms of witchcraft (Lev 18:1-4; Deut 12:1-4,29-32; 18:9-12).
7. The idolatrous practices of pagans are devil worship, no matter what the worshipper thinks or intends (Lev 17:7; Deut 32:17; II Chron 11:15; Ps 106:35-39; I Cor 10:20).
8. The holy God condemns any observation of the religious traditions and customs of unbelieving pagans, even if you are doing it as a Christian to Him (Deut 12:29-32).
9. The Catholic Church whitewashed the pagan customs with a new name to keep their pagan “converts” happy. But Jesus Christ declared that church to be the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth (Rev 17:1-6; II Thess 2:9-12; I Tim 4:1-3).
10. The worshippers of God are to come out of Roman Catholicism by special warning from heaven (Rev 18:4), and Halloween is obviously a Roman Catholic holiday.
11. Halloween is an evil day originating with unbelievers and infidels, based on blackness, darkness, night, unrighteousness, and infidelity, which Christians should separate from and not even touch, if they want to be God’s children (II Cor 6:14-18).
12. Christians burn anything that has to do with witchcraft, for they are commanded not to touch any unclean thing (Deut 7:25-26; Acts 19:13-20; Gal 5:20; II Cor 6:14-18).
13. Halloween is a worldly religious celebration of pagan origin, and Christians are not be conformed to this world, but rather to be transformed (Romans 12:1-2).
14. When a devil or sorcerer meets God, he knows he is helpless; and one day God will cast all devils, sorcerers, and witches into the Lake of Fire (Ex 7:11-12; 8:18-19; 9:11-12; Mark 1:24; 5:7; Rev 21:8; 22:15).
15. The disciples of Jesus Christ and sons of God are to walk as children of light, not as the children of the darkness of this world (Acts 26:18; I Thess 5:4-8).
16. God’s true followers value His precepts on all subjects and hate any idea, opinion, or practice to the contrary (Ps 119:128; Is 8:20; II Tim 3:16-17; I Tim 6:3-5).
17. Halloween is popular with the world, which is evidence that it is an abomination to God (Luke 16:15). Friendship with the world makes God your enemy (Jas 4:4).
18. If you must have Halloween, God has offered you a simple alternative. Become a great celebrator of Halloween and reject Christianity, because He cannot stand you polluting His name with your hypocrisy (Ezek 20:39; Hos 4:17; Amos 4:4-5).
19. The past lives of Christians had enough excess and sin to cover a lifetime, so there is no need to participate in this worldly, wicked, and pagan celebration (I Pet 4:3-5).
20. Christians do not threaten “trick or treat” to anyone for any reason, so parents should not endorse such profanity (Gal 5:14; Eph 4:31-32; I Thes 5:15; Jas 2:8), and neither do Christians deceive others with masks, even for a joke (Pr 26:18-19; Rom 13:13).
21. Paul condemned a compromising brand of Christianity that loves pleasure more than God and has a form of religion without authority or true discipleship (II Tim 3:1-5).
22. The blessed God of heaven seeks worshippers to worship Him in spirit and in truth, according to the apostolic faith once delivered to the saints (John 4:23-24; Jude 1:3).

Abbreviated History and Customs of Halloween

Oxford English Dictionary (Second Edition)

“Hallowe’en. The eve of All Hallows’ or All Saints’ Day celebrated the last night of October. In the Old Celtic calendar the year began on November 1, so that the last evening of October was ‘old years’ night’, the night of all the witches, which the Church transformed into the Eve of All Saints.”

Encyclopedia Britannica (14th Edition)

“Hallowe’en or All Hallows Eve, the name given to Oct. 31, as the vigil of Hallowmas or All Saints’ Day, now chiefly known as the eve of the Christian festival. It long antedates Christianity. The two chief characteristics of ancient Hallowe’en were the lighting of bonfires and the belief that this is the one night in the year during which ghosts and witches are most likely to wander abroad. History shows that the main celebrations of Hallowe’en were purely Druidical, and this is further proved by the fact that in parts of Ireland Oct. 31 is still known as Oidhche Shamhna, ‘Vigil of Sama’. This is directly connected with the Druidic belief in the calling together of certain wicked souls on Hallowe’en by Saman, lord of death.”

World Book Encyclopedia (1959 Edition)

“The Druids, an order of priests in ancient Gaul and Britain, believed that on Halloween, ghosts, spirits, fairies, witches, and elves came out to harm people. They thought the cat was sacred and believed that cats had once been human beings but were changed as a punishment for evil deeds. From these Druidic beliefs come the present-day use of witches, ghosts, and cats in Halloween festivities.”

Halloween Through Twenty Centuries (by Ralph Linton)

“The American celebration rests upon Scottish and Irish folk customs which can be traced in direct line from pre-Christian times. Although Halloween has become a night of rollicking fun, superstitious spells, and eerie games which people take only half seriously, its beginnings were quite otherwise. The earliest Halloween celebrations were held by the Druids in honor of Samhain, Lord of the dead, whose festival fell on November 1.”

World Book Encyclopedia (Quoted in the Atlanta Journal on 10/16/1977)

“It was the Celts who chose the date of October 31 as their new year’s Eve and who originally intended it as a celebration of everything wicked, evil and dead. Also during their celebration they would gather around a community bonfire and offer as sacrifice their animals, their crops, and sometime themselves. And wearing costumes made from the heads and skins of other animals, they would also tell one another’s fortunes for the coming year.
“The celebration remained much the same after the Romans conquered the Celts around 43 A.D. The Romans did, however, add a ceremony honoring their goddess of fruit and trees and thus the association with apples and the custom of bobbing for them.”

World Book Encyclopedia (1959 Edition)

“In the A.D. 800′s the church established All Saints Day on November 1 so that the people could continue a festival they had celebrated before becoming Christians. The mass that was said on this day was called Allhallowmas. The evening before became known as All Hallow e’ven or Halloween…. It means hallowed or holy evening.”

World Book Encyclopedia (1959 Edition)

“Jack-O’-Lanterns were named for a man called Jack, who could not enter heaven or hell. As a result, he was doomed to wander in darkness with his lantern until Judgment Day.”

Compton’s Encyclopedia (1978 Edition)

“Customs and superstitions gathered through the ages go into our celebration of Halloween, or ‘Holy Eve’, on October 31. The day is so named because it is the even of the festival of All Saints, but many of the beliefs and observances connected with it arose long before the Christian Era, in the autumn festivals of pagan peoples…. Even after November 1 became a Christian feast day, honoring all saints, the peasants clung to the old pagan beliefs and customs that had grown up about Halloween…. Our Halloween celebrations today keep many of these early customs unchanged.”

See Also

Hallowed Evening A simple review of history and the Bible to condemn Halloween.
Click to play audio

Wednesday, October 30, 2013




By Kelly Tyler

(Note from Marc: the bloody picture here was reportedly taken during an FBI raid of a house in western America where human sacrifices were being performed.)

As Halloween approaches once again, I am amazed as always, at how many Christians either don’t understand this very religious holiday, or just choose to ignore what they know.  It makes no more sense to celebrate Halloween “just for fun” than it would to celebrate Ramadan.

I spoke to one Christian Bible teacher and seminary student who thinks nothing of allowing her children to celebrate Halloween.  I was shocked and when I voiced my surprise she conceded, “Well, I don’t really like how much candy they consume.”

“I can deal with the candy,” I responded, “It’s the human sacrifices that get to me!”

That’s right, human sacrifices in America.  It happens every year.  Satanists, or Lucifereans, as they prefer to be called, celebrate Halloween from October 13 through November 4, with sexual rituals on several dates and the sacrifice of an animal or human on the 31st

According to Pastor Russ Dizdar of Shatter the Darkness, the victims for these rituals are usually abducted before the 13th of October.  Pastor Russ has helped over 150 victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse, spending hours with each of them, sometimes over a period of several years.  All of them report having been used in ritual sacrifices. 

Halloween is not fun and games to them.

For these people, many of them wholly devoted to the Lord Jesus, watching people celebrate Halloween would be like Jews having to watch people celebrate Hitler’s birthday!  What is so confusing about this holiday for so many Christians?

Pastor Russ says, “They (the witches, Satanists, etc.) know what the date is for.  They are not confused.  They see it as a time to draw power from the spirit realm.”

Witches and New Agers and pagans of other types also celebrate Halloween, although they do not worship Lucifer, nor do they perform sacrifices.  One witch interviewed by Jill Pearson of the Iowa State Daily reported, “We ritualize to honor the changing of the seasons, the movements of the moon and sun in relation to the earth,” she said. “We believe in magic, the art of changing consciousness at will.” Many also use this as a time to correspond with the dead. 

All of these practices are forbidden by God.

Deuteronomy 18:10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in [ Or who makes his son or daughter pass through ] the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft

At the very least, the concept of Trick or Treat is the opposite of Christ’s command to “Do unto others…”  Even if there weren’t real pagans performing rituals to draw demonic power, the thought of celebrating death, fear and gore should be enough to cause Christ Followers to want nothing of it. 

The fact is, though, Satanists and witches are real.  The spirit realm is real.  There are only two sides.  There is no middle ground when it comes to Halloween.  A leading member of Britain’s Pagan Federation had this to say in an MSNBC article by Jennifer Carlisle about Americans who celebrate Halloween “I think it’s wonderful how the Americans celebrate it; it keeps the tradition alive, but I wish there were more factualization about it.”  How can we please Pagans and a Holy God at the same time?

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

More on Halloween and human sacrifice…

May our Father richly bless you with His grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord, in order to walk worthy of His name.

Informatii despre Halloween-o sarbatoare pagana.


Informatii despre Halloween-o sarbatoare pagana.

In aceste regiuni se vede o lipsa tragica a unei vieti
spirituale dupa Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu.Daca stai de vorba cu acesti
crestini,te uimesti si te cuprinde o mare intristare,cand vezi cat sunt
de  influentati in stil ocultic.Mai este blocata si raspandirea
literaturii evanghelicale de catre preotii satelor,acestia cauta sa
intimideze pe credinciosii care o raspandesc,amenintandu-i cu politia,cu
arestarea lor.Dar acestia care o fac sunt oameni care au doar o religie
denaturata,un amestec de crestina- paganista.O religie oferita de
Satana,cu care el inselase si inseala din plin pe cei nedoritori de
credinta adevarata,pana in zilele noastre.Aceasta religie denaturata ei o
apara cu tot felul de amenintari.Raspandirea Adevarului este blocata de
satana prin slujitorii lui ,prin acesti crestini pagani.Dar Domnul este
biruitorul asupra tuturor atacurilor acestora.Slava numai Lui.

Odata am aflat ca in partea Moldovei au adus cainii
asupra celor care imparteau literaruta la casele ortodocsilor.De ce este
starea aceasta la crestini care zic ca sunt nou nascuti?Pentru ca nu
cunosc Scriptura,sau nu primesc invataturi biblice de avertisment din
partea celor care spun ca sunt predicatori,pastori.

Poporul Izrael a cazut mereu in paganismul natiunilor din
jurul lui,gasim o sumedenie de versete in Vechiul Testament in privinta
aceasta.Tot asa este si acum in randul crestinilor de astazi.Eu cred ca
cei ce sunt adevarat credinciosi adevarului,si nu doar
“crestini”,cunosc adevarul si sunt paziti de idolatrie demonica.Cand eu
am fost confruntata dupa nasterea mea din nou in septembrie 1980,cu
versetele din Deutoronom cap.18;9-14,am inteles cat de mult uraste
Dumnezeu aceste practici ocultice,satanice.Am facut o cercetare
amanuntita atunci in viata mea si tot ce era din practicile acestea
,le-am adus inaintea Domnului si am trait eliberarea din ele.Este trist
sa afli ca sunt credinciosi astazi care mai au din aceste legaturi,si
din care cauza viata spirituala este blocata in a creste in ei.Sunt
intre ei care traiesc in depresii,dar nu stiu care este cauza starii
depresive.Devin agresivi in cuvinte,agresivi in fapte….si nu stiu de ce.

Ferice de cine cunoste cauza si vine cu ea la Domnul pentru ca sa fie eliberat din aceste legaturi ocultice.

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Halloween - Invazia păgână

Published on Oct 18, 2013

Precizări -- film documentar Halloween - invazia păgână

Am postat acest documentar pe contul meu de YouTube, ca o dovadă a ceea ce reprezintă, cu adevărat, sărbătoarea de Halloween. Filmul are 45 de minute și este realizat în Statele Unite, acolo unde această sărbătoare se află " la ea acasă ".

În calitate de persoană implicată în educarea copiilor și a tinerilor din Comuna Vărăști, mă simt dator să atrag atenția asupra aspectelor oculte existente în substratul acestei sărbători.

Începem să percepem Halloween-ul ca pe un bun prilej de distracție ( așa se explică atracția exercitată de această sărbătoare ).

Adevărul e însă altul. Ea e o sărbătoare 100% păgână, ocultă, ,,ziua când morții, fantasmele părăsesc mormintele...". Ea e cea mai mare sărbătoare a slujitorilor satanei: vrăjitori, spiritiști sau sataniști. Americanii au dezvoltat o adevarată industrie legată de această sărbătoare. Se achiziționează cu această ocazie accesorii macabre: măști, costume de vampiri, diavoli, dragoni, zombi, leproși, schelete și nelipsiții dovleci, ajungându-se până la vânzări de o jumatate de miliard de dolari anual. Vânzările filmelor horror cresc în această perioadă, promotorii filmelor de groază speculând și ei interesul mare pentru acest praznic. Industria filmelor horror exploatează la maxim setea de senzații tari, dovedind nepăsare față de psihicul omului, căruia nu-i oferă nimic altceva decât angoase.

America face cu ocazia Halloween-ului pregătiri mai mari decât de Crăciun sau Paște. Copiii se costumează în stil horror, se amuză prin sperieturi și merg (colindă) din casă în casă pentru a primi prăjituri. Tinerii, mai curajoși, merg în cimitire în miez de noapte și se distrează făcând spiritism. S-a constatat că în noaptea Halloween-ului se săvârșesc foarte multe crime în Statele Unite.

De altfel, din documentar reiese că la întrebarea "Cum ați vrea să serbați Halloween-ul?", 80% din elevii americani de clasa a IV-a de la o școală au răspuns zâmbind : "Aș vrea să omor pe cineva..." Acesta este impactul sărbătorii !

De nu vom fi cu luare-aminte, copiii noștri își vor forma treptat gustul pentru macabru, ocult, sadism și violență (îi ajută în acest sens desenele animate cu monștri, jocurile agresive pe calculator, filmele horror și cărțile pentru copii, deja clasice, din seria Harry Potter, etc.).

Răul este mult mai uşor acceptat atunci când este oferit sub chipul jocului, iar adorarea maleficului în această zi are o influenţă negativă asupra comportamentului copiilor. Toate „accesoriile" acestei sărbători îi familiarizează pe cei mici, dar şi pe tineri, cu răul, agresivitatea, grotescul şi chiar cu crima. Sondajele efectuate în această perioadă spun că cei care sărbătoresc Halloween-ul sunt foarte predispuşi spre agresivitate şi violenţă.

Vă invit la vizionarea acestui film documentar, cu speranța că ceea ce vom vedea aici ne va ,,îngrozi" (în sensul pierderii legăturii noastre cu Dumnezeu ) cu mult mai mult, decât sărbătoarea în sine. Iar ca precizare finală, indiferent de modul în care vom organiza și vom celebra (carnaval, concurs, paradă, etc ) semnificația sărbătorii nu va putea fi anulată.

prof.Constantin Cosmin

Post Scriptum

Avem curaj să fim altfel?

Creştinismul este religia iubirii, a bucuriei, a luminii, Dumnezeu Însuşi este iubire. Suntem gata să ne lepădăm de Dumnezeu? (Căci orice îmbrăcare în hainele răului, chiar şi „de formă", este o lepădare de Dumnezeu...). Să nu uităm că pământul acesta strămoşesc, care ne sărută picioarele atunci când îl străbatem în trecerea grăbită, este stropit cu sângele strămoşilor noştri, care au păstrat de multe ori cu preţul vieţii credinţa în Hristos şi în Biserică. Toate aceste „împrumuturi" din Occident (Valentine`s Day, Halloween etc.) nu au legătură cu tradiţia noastră creştin-ortodoxă. Tentaţia copierii pentru a fi „în rând cu lumea" este mare. Însă vă îndemn, dragii mei, aveţi curajul să fiţi altfel decât ceilalţi! Aveţi curajul de a nu vă lăsa manipulaţi, de a vă întreba ce sărbătoriţi atunci când preluaţi cu ochii închişi o „tradiţie" care nu prezintă garanţia celor lăsate de bunici.
În final, vă doresc să deveniţi aşa cum spune părintele Teofil de la Mănăstirea Brâncoveanu - Sâmbăta de Sus: „înfricoşător de buni", adică sfinţi! Aceasta întrucât "copiii lui Dumnezeu nu se deosebesc cu nimic de fiii întunericului, decât prin iubire", cum spune Fericitul Augustin.
