
Thursday, September 26, 2013


Silvia a plecat, dar lucrarea a rămas – Gicu Cotleț

În dimineața zilei de 19 septembrie 2013, când zorii dimineții încep să alunge întunericul nopții Silvia noastră dragă a plecat în cea mai lungă călătorie din viața ei. Biletul a fost cumpărat cu mulți ani înainte dacă nu greșesc tocmai din anul 1967. Un bilet numai dus (one way) și fără însoțitor. Poate s-ar fi bucurat să aibă un însoțitor dar nu a fost posibil. Imediat după ce și-a prezentat pașaportul a fost preluată cu multă dragoste de iubitul inimii ei și condusă până la destinația finală. În acea dimineață mohorâtă de septembrie împreună cu Silvia era doar familia ei, Elena, Lidia și Tudorică Sfatcu din California. Tudorică a fost dispecerul de serviciu care a transmis instrucțiunile de zbor pentru toți membrii familiei și a urmărit cu lacrimi în ochi plecarea lui Silvia.

La doar câteva ore după plecarea Silviei au început să sosească la ”aeroportul” de lângă pădure și alți călători care priveau nedumeriți la cei rămași pe pista de plecare. Nu au lipsit nici florile dar nici lacrimile. Am mai înălțat o rugăciune spusă din toată inima dar Silvia nu ne-a mai auzit. Am cântat lângă ea dar nu a mai schițat nici un gest pentru noi toți. Cu obrajii brăzdați de lacrimi familia i-a pregătit rochia de mireasă și a dat-o celor doi spravegheatori cu intrucțiunile de rigoare. Coafura i-a fost făcută și apoi în liniște a fost așezată în ”scaunul de stejar” al miresei care era frumos sculptat de ameșii care au cunoscut-o pe Silvia.

Au urmat trei zile de ”nuntă” ca-n povești, exact cum Silvia și-a dorit, dar fără famfară și instrumente. A fost o adevărată sărbătoare de comemorare a călătoriilor Silviei în cei 62 de ani pe planeta Pământ, călătorii presărate cu tot felul de peripeții care cu greu ar putea fi cuprinse în cărțile lui Silvia.

Aș dori pe cât posibil ca minunile din viața ei să să circule pe toate meridianele lumii în limba dulce și frumoasă a moldovenilor și să poată încuraja mai departe pe frații noștri dragi de limbă și culoare dar în același timp să vorbească tot mai mult de Dumnezeul lui Silvia, al românilor și al tuturor credincioșilor.

În acest scop aș ruga pe toți cei care ați călătorit cu Silvia în cei 62 de ani să vă căutați agendele de bord și să începeți să colectați însemnările voastre. Aș dori dacă se poate ca toate aceste fărâmituri să fie adunate într-un singur coș din care să curgă râul binecuvântării peste sufletele noastre. M-aș bucura dacă aș primii toate aceste însemnări de călătorie pe adresa mea de E-mail și apoi să găsim persoana potrivită care să facă lucrarea.

Ultima dorință a Silviei scrisă cu cerneală neagră și udată cu lacrimi a fost ca misiunea ei (God Knows Ministries) să continuie și după plecarea ei.

Singurul care a fost gata să preia această dorință a fost Bill Mullet, unul dintre frații menoniți cu inimă de român dar mai presus de toate cu dragoste pentru lucrarea Domnului.

Sunt lucruri complet necunoscute pentru noi toți, dar cunoscute de bunul nostru Dumnezeu. Deocamdată doar atât putem spune că avem voință și viziune dar avem nevoie de binecuvântarea Domnului. Personal am încrederea că Dumnezeul lui Silvia și Dumnezeul nostru ne va ajuta să continuăm tot ce Silvia a început. Dacă va fi voia Domnului dorim ca toate dorințele ei să devină realitate și cerem binecuvântarea Domnului peste aceste proiecte mari.

Silvia a fost doar făclia care a aprins focul misiunii românilor din diaspora. Acest foc a cuprins și inimile noastre și dorim din toată inima ca să-l putem duce mai departe pe toate meridianele. După cum spunea fratele Valentin Popovici la priveghiul de vineri seara a fost doar cenușa adunată în tigăile de aramă, a fost una din copcile de aur care țineau covoarele cortului împreună. Am dori ca aceste copci să ne unească pe români și americani sau orice altă națiune, să fim legați ca și o

”brățară care mâna-Ti înconjoară
Ca un brâu de piatră rară,
Ca veșmântul Tău de in.
Să nu poată-a ne desparte
Nici furtună și nici moarte,
Ci cum scrie-n sfânta Carte,
Să fim una pe deplin,
Ca veșmântul Tău de in”.

Am vrea ca toți să știe că, fie că trăm fie că murim, noi suntem ai Domnului.

Fiecare din noi trăim zilnic minunile Domnului și vedem purtarea lui de grijă. Singurul lucru pe care îl puteți face la ora actuală este să ne purtați în rugăciune și să cereți ca voia Domnului să se facă în toate cele istorisite de mine până acum.

Când timpul îmi va permite voi continua să vă țin la curent cu înaintarea lucrării începută de Silvia.  Am vrea ca fiecare dintre noi să fim motivați de vestetul ”Nu voi muri, ci voi trăi și voi povesti lucrările Domnului” (Ps. 118:17).

Am vrea ca prin tot ce vom face Numele Domnului să fie înălțat și nu numele noastre. Am vrea ca noi să fim cenușa adunată în cenușarul de argint, să fim potirul de aur din care să bea cel însetat din apa dulce și cristalină a Cuvântului lui Dumnezeu.

Aș dori ca scrisoarea mea să fie doar o provocare venită din partea celui mai neînsemnat dintre voi toți, cel căruia Dumnezeu i-a mai dat o șansă să se pocăiască, o șansă să mai spună celor dragi că Domnul Isus este bun cu cei cu inima curată, și are îndelungă răbdare cu noi cu toți.

Din dragoste pentru Domnul Isus și din respect pentru cea care a fost sora noastră Silvia Tărniceriu,

Gicu Cotleț, Septembrie 26. 2013


Saturday, September 14, 2013




Let us all pray for peace – we need it now more than we have for many, many years. YHWH will hear the earnest prayer of the faithful.

 The sun in setting andYom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) is quickly

approaching, here inIsrael. For the next two days here in the Holy Land

there will be no cars on the street, no restaurants open, no stores doing
business…instead we will all be focused on prayer, fasting, and repentence.

May God bless us all with revealed goodness and let us – and
all of Israel – be written in the book of life, peace, holiness,
happiness, health, prosperity, and brotherhood. ‘God, open my mouth so I
may sing Your praises!’ AMEN!

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish youths pray on Tisha B'Av at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City

Yom Kippur: Day of Atonement

The LORD said to Moses, “The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement.  Hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves, and present an offering made to the LORD by fire.  Do no work on that day, because it is the Day of Atonement, when atonement is made for you before the LORD your God.  Anyone who does not deny himself on that day must be cut off from his people.  I will destroy from among his people anyone who does any work on that day.  You shall do no work at all.  This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live.  It is a sabbath of rest for you, and you must deny yourselves. From the evening of the  ninth day of the month until the following evening you are to observe your sabbath” (Leviticus 23: 26-32 NIV).  (See Exodus 30: 10 and Numbers 29: 7-11 also.)

Much time had been lost, and sailing had already become dangerous because by now it was after the Fast [Day of Atonement] (Acts 27: 9 NIV).

The Day of Atonement is considered most holy among God’s Appointed Times.  It is a day of fasting, prayer, and assembly.  Some equate the Day of Atonement (also known as the Day of Purging) to the Judgment.

Salvation is through the blood of Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Messiah). our Passover Lamb.  Good works do not produce salvation; rather, salvation produces good works.  During the Fall Feasts, I am acutely aware of how I have “missed the mark” by what I have done or left undone.  For me, the Fall Feasts are a time of reflection, repentance, and spiritual renewal–an opportunity to have a closer relationship with the Lord.

As I study God’s Appointed Times, I am beginning to participate in them. Since His feasts are holy convocations (dress rehearsals), I want to be ready for the events they foreshadow.  Just as the Spring Feasts foreshadowed Christ first advent, the Fall Feasts foreshadow His second coming. 

One day ALL nations will celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Zechariah 14: 16).

Yom Kippur begins at sundown tonight (9/13/2013).

Do the following verses relate to the Day of Atonement?  I don’t know.  What do you think?“When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory.  All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.  He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.  Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world” (Matthew 25: 31-3 NIV)“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels’” (Matthew 25: 41 NIV).

But I tell you that all men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.  For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12: 36-37).

F130913DG03-635x357Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, which will commence at sundown on Friday and continue until nightfall Saturday, is expected to be particularly hot in Israel this year.

The solemn day falls earlier in the Gregorian calendar than usual — the Hebrew calendar is a hybrid of solar and lunar cycles — and temperatures across Israel are expected to be higher than usual, even for mid-September.

According to the Israel Meteorological Service, in Tel Aviv temperatures are expected to reach 34°C (93°F) on Friday and 32°C (90°F) on Saturday.

Jerusalem is expected to be even hotter, with temperatures hitting 36°C (97°F) on Friday and 34°C (93°F) on Saturday.

The highest temperatures in Israel on Saturday are expected in Tiberias, by the Sea of Galilee, where it will hit 39°C (102°F) and in the southern port city of Eilat, where meteorologists expect a high of 41°C (106°F).

Magen David Adom officials have asked that anybody fasting — polls over the years have shown that most Israelis do — make sure to begin drinking a lot of water Friday morning, and to continue doing so until the beginning of the fast (6:12 p.m. in Jerusalem and 6:29 p.m. in Tel Aviv). Over the course of the day, fasters are urged to spend as much time as possible in the shade or in air-conditioned buildings.

If the weather forecast turns out to have been accurate, this will be the hottest Yom Kippur in Israel in 11 years. In the past 50 years higher temperatures than those predicted for this year have been recorded only twice.

The fast will end on Saturday evening at 7:26 in Tel Aviv and 7:24 in Jerusalem.

 Israel prepares for solemn, silent Day of Atonement (

Friday, September 13, 2013


4608-181684-48066-17 prophet-malachi


The Life and Ministry of Marty Goetz

Is one of the signs of the end times the outpouring of Davidic praise? Live out this prophetic fulfillment in the life and music of Marty Goetz on the show Christ in Prophecy.

Marty Goetz "Hope of Glory" LIVE- Messianic Music 

Marty Goetz " Psalm 23" LIVE - Messianic Music

Marty Goetz - Prince of Peace (1).gi



 09.13.13 Friday

[ PART 5 ]

There is a direct correlation between the feasts of the Old Testament and their expression of the Gospel in the New Testament. Listen to find out how two of these feasts point us to the Messiah.

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  09.12.13 Thursday

[ PART 4 ]

Yom Kippur is known as the holiest day of the year for Jewish people. It is a time for them to seek atonement for their sins. But do you know why this day is also significant for believers in Christ?

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  09.11.13 Wednesday

[ PART 3 ]

Have you ever wondered about the Jewish festivals held every year? These feasts go well beyond the national boundaries of Judaism. They carry a prophetic and redemptive message for all people.

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  09.10.13 Tuesday

[ PART 2 ]

In the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur is the day set aside to seek the forgiveness of sins. When we look closer at this holy day, we develop a greater appreciation for the Lamb who was slain for us.

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  09.09.13 Monday

[ PART 1 ]

You've heard of Passover and Yom Kippur, but have you ever considered how all of the Jewish holy days point to Jesus? Listen to learn more about the Messiah and His cultural context.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

DAYS OF PRAISE-The Jewels of the Lord-by Henry Morris



The Jewels of the Lord

 by Henry Morris, Ph.D.

“And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.” (Malachi 3:17)
 The jewels of the Lord are not rubies and diamonds, but rather are “they that feared the LORD” and who “spake often one to another.” Instead of being mounted in a crown or other adornment as precious stones would be, these jewels will be listed in a very special book. “A book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name” (v.16). What a blessing it would be if, when we get to heaven, we should find our names written in that special book of God’s memories! God does take note of our times of spiritual fellowship with other believers—especially, no doubt, when they occur during times of stress and worldly opposition.
 This word (Hebrew cegullah) is not the usual word for “jewels,” more commonly being rendered “peculiar treasures.” For example, Psalm 135:4 says that “the LORD hath chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure.” The word suggests treasure carefully guarded in a safe place. The word is translated simply “special” in Deuteronomy 7:6, “a special people unto himself.”
 Note in particular Exodus 19:5-6: “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.”
 Peter uses the same language in writing to prepare Christians for imminent times of persecution. “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light” (1 Peter 2:9). HMM

Sunday, September 8, 2013


The Missing 

Jewel of Christ’s Return

Christ the Missing Jewel

A CAREFUL AND prayerful study of the New Testament will lead us to see that Christ is central throughout its entirety. He is foreshadowed in the Old Testament and particularly through the main and minor prophets, the message is clear in pertaining to the Messiah to come; this was Israel’s hope. How the Anointed One was to be manifest was where many in Israel lost their way; many were looking for the physical restoration of the twelve tribes. Even the twelve disciples were anticipating Christ overthrowing tyranny by establishing a physical reign. For Him to die at the hands of a brutal regime was absolute madness and ran contrary to what they understood of the Scriptures. Only after when Christ opened their eyes (after His resurrection) and expounded the Scriptures, from Moses and all the Prophets, did they rightly perceive the kingdom of God.

Are we falling into the same error as Israel in foretelling and reading the signs of how and where Christ will appear? The Biblical Christ is seldom proclaimed in our westernised cultures and yet so many believers get so hung-up over eschatology (Doctrine of the Last Things). How are we to be balanced in regards to prophecy, pertaining to the future and of Christ’s Second Coming, when we fail to perceive Who He really is? If we are not enlightened (by the Holy Spirit) to Who the Son of God is, how will we ever rightly prepare for His Second Coming?

Studying eschatology is important and we are misguided to shelve (disregard) any portion of Scripture through fear of confusion and controversy. It is, however, understandable to some extent as to why some avoid this subject (in so far as discussing it) for this very reason, but that doesn’t justify ignorance in these matters; we are to grow up into Christ in all things.

The other aspect is to be obsessed with prophecy on end-time interpretations to the point where we are only concerned with the phenomena of things coming to fruition. Satan will drive us to fanaticism and have us expend all our energies on end time doctrine – or any other doctrine – so long as Christ is not central. It is the subtlety that is the deception where one is driven to excess. We know that there are numerous passages in the gospels and epistles that pertain to Christ’s Second Advent, but their main and emphatic principle is that we may know the Son of God and have life in and through Him.

Was it not Paul’s calling and desire to make Christ known, crucified and resurrected? Was it not the greatest Apostle’s office to proclaim Him: “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28)? Was it not Paul who said to the church at Galatia, “…my little children, for whom I am in the anguish of childbirth until Christ be formed in you!” (Galatians 4:19)?

When end time doctrine presides over and above our looking to Christ, we are actually straying into grievous error. Observing animosity on current public forums over how Christ will come and establish His kingdom (whether or not you adhere to Dispensationalism or Covenant Theology; A, Pre or Post Millennialism; A, pre, mid or post rapture) is disgracefully divisive and grieving to the Spirit of God. If the Apostle Paul (or any other Apostle for that matter) were to be among us today, he would address such people in the same manner as the ‘Christians’ at Corinth who were by nature carnal. What other fruit, besides arrogance and pride, does anyone get by insisting that their view is right and everyone else’s is unintelligible or stupid?

Whatever hermeneutics (science of interpretation) we may adopt in understanding the Last Times, do we give people a sense of panic, fear and frustration or do we encourage and build-up others in the most holy Faith by having them look to Christ, to trust and rely on Him with all their hearts? In all our discussions of the end times, do we magnify Christ and strengthen the hope of other believers? Do we exhort others to be ready for Christ’s appearing? Are we living in the light of His coming?

The Apostles, in light of this subject, exhorted the Church to walk in holiness and as John wrote, “…everyone who thus hopes in Him [expecting Christ’s appearing] purifies himself as He is pure” (1 John 3:3). I don’t see Christ being formed or people walking in holiness when believers are bitterly falling out with one another over the manner in which or what season and year Christ will come back. We will all find out exactly when He does actually appear in all His glory and majesty. Just as with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus who were blind and ignorant to the Truth, so it shall be with many of us when we see Him for Who He is; our eyes will be opened and all our views will be infinitely eclipsed with His unimaginable blazing-grandeur.

How or what is going to materialise – whether the millennial kingdom is through the entire Church age or a literal one-thousand year reign on earth, with all its benefits, etc, etc – it is going to be nothing compared to the beauty and majesty of God made visible to the eyes of everyone. How so many harp on all the wonderful things in the millennial reign, while, unbeknown, Christ takes second place in their conversation (this is where Satan’s misleading comes in). When John, on the Island of Patmos, saw Christ, he fell down as though dead; that was the greatest of all revelation and so it should be to anyone of us. Christ is central and He is to be central in all our worship and living. In all the visions of Isaiah and Ezekiel, the vision of God was too overwhelmingly superior to put into perfect description; human comprehension was utterly exhausted and dumbfounded.

What aspects of the coming glory do we look forward to most? My friends, I may be narrow-minded, but I don’t care if I see nothing else but God in all His glory for all ages of eternity. God forgive us for thinking that we shall not eternally gaze on Him and to not want for something else. Clothed in our right minds, we ought to say with Charles Wesley that we shall be, Lost in wonder, love and praise.” I think it was Fanny Crosby (the famous blind hymn author) who said, in her longing for heaven, that the first thing she looked forward to was not the wonder of gaining her sight, but rather to gaze upon the beauty of Jesus. When I consider that, earth and everything of it just melts away.

I have known of great friendships dissolving due to dividing on non-fundamental doctrines. I personally know what it’s like to have broken communication (not on my part) with others due to such differences, which is saddening because I dearly miss their fellowship. If we are in unity on the fundamental and primary doctrines (and one of them is that Christ is soon returning), we have no justifiable reason to exclude anyone from fellowship or to break friendship over secondary issues. There are many godly leaders who, while I may disagree with their eschatological views, will continue to respect and hold in high esteem due to their Christ-centred preaching.

God is reiterating to the Church the same words He spoke to Peter, James and John (on the Mount of Transfiguration) “This is My beloved Son, with Whom I am well pleased; listen to Him” (Matthew 17:5). God speaks through His Son; we have the Scriptures – the final word that is abundantly sufficient for the entire Church age. Everything is embodied in Christ; it is in Him that ALL the promises of God are contained. He is the express Image of God and in Him all the godhead dwells. “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, Whom He appointed the heir of all things through Whom He also created the world. He is the radiance of His glory and the exact imprint of His nature, and He upholds the universe by the word of His power” (Hebrews 1:1-3).

All the phenomena, signs and wonders that we may witness are nothing compared to the majesty of Jesus Christ; He is greater than any foretelling or any inauguration of a kingdom. It was David who longed to behold the beauty of God in the sanctuary – not the kingdom nor apparels or any other instrument in the tabernacle; they were purely to aid one’s worship to focus on the God who rescued Israel out of bondage – the God Who made heaven and earth. To behold God is the essence of all things. Moses’ hearts desire was to see the glory of God; everything else was nothing to be compared. Even Christ, when addressing the Father on behalf of His disciples and others who were to believe, said, “to know You is eternal life.” To know God Himself – is that our one aim and ambition in life? Do we count everything rubbish in comparison to knowing Christ?  Do we??

Are we longing to see the King of kings and Lord of lords robed in majesty – His omnipotence unveiled before the eyes of all humanity – incomparably above all other phenomenal aspects? Do we long to know a sin-free glorified resurrection to where we can look upon Him and live and so worship Him perfectly?

It is Christ – the Alpha and the Omega – it is God our souls should yearn to behold. It shall not be the back of God (as with Moses) we shall see while He mercifully veils our eyes with His hand lest we should die; we shall see Him as He is in all His awesome glory and live. Everything else will be but shadows when we see His face.

Do we long for it, do we confidently anticipate it and are we prayerfully preparing for it?

May God restore this missing jewel in the Church!

Reposted from  Aug 30
